How to celebrate Raksha Bandhan in pandemic? – Plan B

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Raksha Bandhan is right around the corner and this year, the struggle to celebrate a long distance Raksha Bandhan is real. It seems like bonding between brothers and sisters this year will take place either over calls or video chats. But that doesn’t mean you can't make the best of it 😉

Afterall, it is essential for your kids to spend time with their siblings, cousins and relatives on a day so auspicious, even if it is virtual. So if you’re not with your sibling this Raksha Bandhan, here are 5 ways to celebrate the day!

1. Put together a video montage

There’s nothing like reliving old memories, especially if you have your little ones involved in the process. Putting together a video montage of old pictures of your kids with their siblings or cousins, can be a fun reminiscent experience for you and the kids.

The best way to begin is by going through your gallery of old photos, picking the cream of the crop and neatly knitting it together on any free software that’s available to you on your smart devices or computers.

This is a great exercise to involve your kids in. They can personalize all their favorite pictures with their siblings from across occasions over the years and give it that personal fun touch. There are several free applications to make videos which provide easy solutions and quick fixes for times such as these. 


2. A Rakhi + Letter in the mail, makes for a heartfelt surprise:

So you’ve made the video montage for the big long distance celebration on Rakhi day, but you want to do some more. We believe that a heartfelt, handwritten letter is the key to building a sibling bond among your kids. 

Apart from being heartwarming and adorable, this idea lets kids exercise their creativity and strengthen their bond with their siblings over the exchange of personal notes. Ensure that you let them take control over each aspect of writing the letter. Trust us, a personal touch goes beyond words to express deep feelings. 

We encourage the little ones' to attach a rakhi along with the letter to give it the celebratory touch that Raksha Bandhan so truly deserves. 

To make a rakhi at home, all you need is: ribbon or yarn tread, origami or normal colour paper, beads, sequins, scissors and glue. Once set, follow the below video to get going.


3. Surprise gifts are a win

Now you’ve sent the letter and perhaps received one, but the experience of it all doesn’t quite seem complete, does it?

With the plethora of online gifting services available today, you can send the perfect gifts to your kids’ cousins from anywhere in the world! Your options are endless too! The tricky part is finding the right gift to send, but since we’re talking about young children, it shouldn’t be a very complicated affair. 

Some of the best raksha bandhan gifts are the simplest. The easiest gifts to get children are the ones they’ll use daily. Clothes as gifts are the obvious and most versatile go-to. Enhance the experience by adding in some candy that kids prefer and you’ve got a sweet little package. 

ways to celebrate Raksha Bandhan in 2020

Sending raksha bandhan appropriate sweets to enhance the feeling of memorialization. Other age appropriate options great as gifts are Art and Craft Kits, Books, Legos and anything that is fun and engaging for kids. When it’s sent by a loved one, the value is nearly priceless, so don’t be afraid to experiment with new concepts.

4. A Video play-date for the Rugrats, with a twist

You can also go beyond the aforementioned gifts and invest in something that the kids will get enjoyment from, or can do together as a team online!

The definition of a play-date knows no bounds, and on an occasion such as this, why not go beyond the old cliche of one on one video calls and make the play-date more involved and interactive. 

ways to celebrate Raksha Bandhan in 2020 Blog

Again, the options you may have are seemingly limitless. There are plenty of online workshops for kids, in arts and crafts, music and entertainment. Popular kids films can be viewed on streaming services while inviting cousins and siblings to celebrate over watch parties. Online charades and cute little singing competitions among kids can make the day even more fun. 

5. Celebrate with the whole Family on Video Call

It must’ve occurred to you by now that we were building this up to a massive closing tip. Get the whole family together on a video calling app of your choice, and celebrate raksha bandhan the way it’s meant to be.

All you need to do is plan it out with family and get them on board with the idea. 

Fix a date and send everyone the zoom call or skype link. Don’t be afraid to jazz it up by using that creative video montage as an invite to the event. Remember, this is meant to be a massive celebration, so cutting corners isn’t advised. 

That rakhi that was sent in the mail? That can be worn by the brothers on the day of the occasion! The online gift that you sent to little sis? She’ll be opening that package of goodness live, which makes the moment more happening. 

It’s these little things that can alleviate that feeling of distance when it comes to maintaining and reinforcing the bond between brothers and sisters on a day so revered.

Today it feels like every fleeting moment must be captured as best as we can, and what better way to do that than to arrange for a fun engagement among relatives on a day where familial bonding is considered to be the highlight. These Raksha bandhan tips are sure to get everyone’s spirits up and the entire family to participate, kids included!